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Papers (5,000 words to 6,000 words including notes and references) should begin with an abstract in italics of around 150 words. Followed by up to five keywords.
Articles (around 2,000-3,000 words) should begin with a short standfirst (of around 35 words) highlighting the main angle of the piece Please submit to one of the joint editors (copying to the other two) in an email Word attachment. All papers will be peer-reviewed before inclusion in the journal. The editors reserve the right to reject unsuitable submissions without any peer review.
Headlines should be in 18pt Calibri light, upper and lower case.
Copy should be one-and-a-half lines spaced (including quotations and footnotes) with generous margins. It should be in 11 pt Calibri.
Break up the copy with regular sub-headings in 11pt Calibri Bold upper and lower case.
Use single inverted commas (and double inverted commas inside single inverted commas).
The following style points should be followed:
British spelling: so demonisation, not demonization etc
British punctuation: so He said it was 'brilliant'. And not He said it was 'brilliant.' Etc
Use em dashes with a space either side – like this – in the copy
Indent quotes longer than 40 words
Do not indent first lines of paragraphs and leave a line space between paragraphs
Dates should be written in this style: 14 October 1948
No full points needed at the end of Notes or References
Do not use points in abbreviations, acronyms or contractions: Dr, US, PhD, Nato
These should conform to the following style: in text: e.g. Aitchison (1988: 23)
Use 'et al.' when citing works by more than three authors (Bridges et al. 1998)
The letters a, b and c etc should be used to distinguish different citations by the same author in the same year (Bridges 1998a, Bridges 1998b)
Then in the references all texts cited should be listed alphabetically
Fisk, Robert (2008) The age of the warrior: Selected writings, London, Fourth Estate
Tulloch, John (2007) Charles Dickens and the voices of journalism, Keeble, Richard and Wheeler, Sharon (eds) The journalistic imagination: Literary journalists from Defoe to Capote and Carter, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge pp 58-73
For second/third etc editions:
Woodcock, George (1984) The crystal spirit: A study of George Orwell, London: Fourth Estate, second edition
Paper in academic journal
Carey, David (2004) Maya perspectives on the 1999 referendum in Guatemala: Ethnic equality rejected? Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 31, No. 6 pp 69-95
Website references
Ginsborg, Hannah (2014) Kant's aesthetics and teleology, Zalta, Edward N (ed.) The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Available online at https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2014/entries/kant-aesthetics/, accessed on 8 May 2019
Any notes should come before the bibliography (please note: they do not fall at the foot of each page)
At the end of the paper provide around 90 words per author for a ‘Note on the contributor/s’ section giving name, title and professional activities (publications, papers, research interests etc).
Conflict of interest
At the end of the copy, the author/s should indicate if they received – or not – any funding for the research and/or publication.